What is CAPA in Pharma

Defining CAPSs How to use in improvement quality of products


8/26/20233 min read

How implement CAPA IN PHRMA:

CAPA stands for Corrective Action and Preventive Action, a system for analyzing, correcting, and preventing issues in the pharmaceutical industry. CAPA helps to ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of drugs and medical devices by identifying and resolving nonconformities or deviations from the requirements or specifications. CAPA also helps to prevent the recurrence of the same or similar problems by analyzing the root causes and implementing corrective and preventive measures.

To implement CAPA in your company, you need to follow some steps that are based on the quality system regulation and the best practices in the industry. According to one of the sources I found, some high-level steps for CAPA might include:

Creating and submitting a request: Identify and document a quality problem or a potential quality problem that needs to be addressed by CAPA. Provide relevant information, such as the description, scope, severity, impact, and occurrence of the problem.

Reviewing the request appropriately: Evaluate the request and determine if it is valid and justified. Assign a priority and a category for the request, such as corrective action, preventive action, or both. Approve or reject the request based on the criteria.

Finalizing sources and building your team: Identify and collect all the sources of data and information related to the problem, such as complaints, audits, inspections, tests, reports, etc. Form a cross-functional team that will be responsible for conducting the investigation and implementing the actions.

Identifying immediate corrective (and other) actions: Determine if there are any immediate actions that need to be taken to contain or mitigate the problem, such as stopping production, quarantining products, issuing alerts, etc. Document and execute these actions as soon as possible.

Investigating and recording findings: Conduct a thorough investigation of the problem to determine its root cause (where possible). Use appropriate tools and methods, such as fishbone diagrams, 5 whys, Pareto charts, etc. Document the investigation process and findings.

Determining root cause: Analyze the investigation findings and identify the root cause (or causes) of the problem. Verify that the root cause is valid and supported by evidence. Document the root cause analysis.

Developing, executing, and implementing your action plan: Develop an action plan that specifies the corrective and preventive actions that will be taken to address the root cause and prevent recurrence of the problem. Consider the risk, impact, effectiveness, feasibility, and cost of the proposed actions. Assign responsibilities and timelines for each action. Execute and implement the action plan according to the schedule.

Reviewing, approving, and verifying effectiveness: Review and approve the action plan and its implementation. Verify that the actions are effective in resolving and preventing the problem. Monitor and measure the outcomes and impacts of the action.

Closing out CAPA: Document all the activities and results of CAPA. Evaluate if CAPA has achieved its objectives and met its criteria. Close out CAPA when it is completed :

Training your employees on CAPA procedures is an important step to ensure that they understand and follow the best practices for identifying, investigating, resolving, and preventing quality issues in the pharmaceutical industry. There are different ways to train your employees on CAPA procedures, depending on your organization's needs, resources, and preferences. Some of the possible methods are:

Online or e-learning courses: You can use online or e-learning platforms to deliver CAPA training courses to your employees. This method can be convenient, flexible, and cost-effective, as it allows your employees to access the courses anytime and anywhere, and reduces the need for travel and accommodation expenses. However, you need to ensure that the online courses are interactive, engaging, and updated, and that your employees have the necessary technical support and equipment to access them. You also need to monitor and evaluate your employees' progress and performance through quizzes, tests, or feedback surveys. Some examples of online or e-learning courses on CAPA for the pharmaceutical industry are, and.

Classroom or instructor-led courses: You can use classroom or instructor-led courses to deliver CAPA training courses to your employees. This method can be effective, interactive, and customized, as it allows your employees to learn from experienced instructors, ask questions, share experiences, and participate in exercises or case studies. However, you need to ensure that the classroom courses are well-designed, relevant, and consistent, and that your employees have the time and availability to attend them. You also need to arrange for suitable venues, materials, and equipment for the courses. Some examples of classroom or instructor-led courses on CAPA for the pharmaceutical industry are and.

On-the-job or practical training: You can use on-the-job or practical training to deliver CAPA training courses to your employees. This method can be realistic, hands-on, and contextualized, as it allows your employees to learn from real-life situations, apply their knowledge and skills directly to their work processes, and receive feedback from their supervisors or mentors. However, you need to ensure that the on-the-job training is structured, standardized, and documented, and that your employees have the guidance and support they need to complete their tasks. You also need to assess and verify your employees' competence and performance through observations, checklists.