Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Non-Sterile and Sterile Manufacturing and Packaging Areas for Good Housekeeping as per cGMP Standards

SOPs for non sterile and sterile manufacturing and packaging area for good housekeeping as per standards in detail step by step using cGMP


11/29/20233 min read


Good housekeeping is crucial in both non-sterile and sterile manufacturing and packaging areas to ensure the safety, quality, and efficacy of pharmaceutical products. Following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in line with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) is essential to maintain cleanliness, prevent cross-contamination, and promote a hygienic working environment. This article provides a detailed step-by-step guide on SOPs for good housekeeping in both non-sterile and sterile areas.

Non-Sterile Manufacturing and Packaging Area SOPs

1. General Cleaning Procedures

a. Establish a cleaning schedule that includes daily, weekly, and monthly tasks.

b. Clearly define responsibilities for each task and ensure that trained personnel perform the cleaning.

c. Use appropriate cleaning agents and disinfectants that are approved for use in the manufacturing area.

d. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the proper use and dilution of cleaning agents.

e. Clean all surfaces, including floors, walls, ceilings, equipment, and storage areas.

f. Pay special attention to high-risk areas such as product contact surfaces, equipment handles, and switches.

g. Use dedicated cleaning equipment and tools to prevent cross-contamination.

h. Dispose of cleaning waste properly according to waste management procedures.

2. Waste Management

a. Use designated waste containers for different types of waste, such as general waste, recyclables, and hazardous waste.

b. Clearly label each waste container to ensure proper segregation.

c. Regularly empty waste containers to prevent overflow and potential contamination.

d. Train employees on proper waste disposal procedures to minimize the risk of accidents or environmental damage.

e. Follow local regulations and guidelines for the disposal of hazardous waste.

3. Pest Control

a. Implement a pest control program to prevent infestation and minimize the use of pesticides.

b. Regularly inspect the manufacturing area for signs of pests and take appropriate action if any are found.

c. Seal all potential entry points, such as gaps around doors, windows, and utility openings.

d. Store raw materials and finished products in a manner that minimizes the risk of pest attraction.

e. Train employees on the importance of maintaining a clean and pest-free environment.

4. Personal Hygiene

a. Provide adequate facilities for handwashing, including sinks, soap, and hand sanitizers.

b. Display clear instructions on proper handwashing techniques.

c. Encourage employees to practice good personal hygiene, including wearing clean uniforms, hairnets, and appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

d. Train employees on the importance of reporting any signs of illness that may impact product safety.

Sterile Manufacturing and Packaging Area SOPs

1. Cleanroom Classification

a. Establish and maintain a cleanroom classification system based on ISO standards.

b. Clearly define the cleanliness requirements for each area, including airborne particle counts and microbial limits.

c. Regularly monitor and document the cleanliness levels to ensure compliance with the established standards.

2. Gowning Procedures

a. Develop detailed gowning procedures for personnel entering the sterile area.

b. Provide appropriate gowning materials, including sterile gowns, gloves, masks, and hairnets.

c. Train employees on proper gowning techniques to minimize the risk of contamination.

d. Implement a gowning qualification program to ensure that employees are properly trained and competent in gowning procedures.

3. Cleaning and Disinfection

a. Establish a cleaning and disinfection schedule that includes both routine and periodic tasks.

b. Use validated cleaning agents and disinfectants that are appropriate for use in sterile areas.

c. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the proper use and application of cleaning agents.

d. Pay special attention to critical surfaces, such as laminar airflow hoods, filling machines, and product contact surfaces.

e. Perform environmental monitoring to ensure that cleaning and disinfection procedures are effective.

4. Aseptic Techniques

a. Train personnel on proper aseptic techniques, including hand hygiene, gowning, and aseptic manipulations.

b. Implement a qualification program to ensure that employees are proficient in aseptic techniques.

c. Regularly assess and document personnel aseptic technique proficiency.

d. Monitor and document aseptic process simulations to ensure the integrity of the sterile manufacturing process.

5. Material Transfer and Handling

a. Establish procedures for the transfer and handling of materials in the sterile area.

b. Use dedicated equipment and containers for the transfer of sterile materials.

c. Ensure that all materials entering the sterile area are properly sterilized and labeled.

d. Minimize the time that materials are exposed to the sterile environment.

e. Train personnel on proper material transfer and handling procedures.

6. Environmental Monitoring

a. Implement a robust environmental monitoring program to ensure the integrity of the sterile area.

b. Regularly monitor and document airborne particle counts, surface microbial counts, and other relevant parameters.

c. Investigate and take appropriate corrective actions in response to any deviations from established limits.

d. Maintain accurate records of environmental monitoring activities.


Following SOPs for good housekeeping in non-sterile and sterile manufacturing and packaging areas is crucial to comply with cGMP standards and ensure the safety and quality of pharmaceutical products. By implementing these detailed step-by-step procedures, pharmaceutical companies can maintain a clean and hygienic working environment, prevent cross-contamination, and minimize the risk of product contamination or failure.